Hogan Appointed Ranking Vice Chair of Children and Youth Committee
February 21, 2025
HARRISBURG – Rep. Joe Hogan (Bucks) today announced that he has been appointed as the ranking vice chair of the House Children and Youth Committee.
“I am ready to take on this new role as vice chair of the Children and Youth Committee,” said Hogan. “As a new father myself, I understand the importance of fighting for commonsense solutions to the issues that affect the children of Pennsylvania. Last session, I championed many of these issues for our families. I look forward to having an increased voice on these solutions moving forward for every Pennsylvanian”
"As the Republican chair of the House Children and Youth Committee, I am proud to name my friend and colleague, Rep. Joe Hogan, as the committee's vice chair," said Rep. Kate Klunk (R-York). "Joe has a special reason of his own to fight for PA kids, as he and his wife recently had their first baby girl. Being a new dad, he has a passion to advocate for the Commonwealth's children, and I am looking forward to doing that together on the committee this session."
The House Children and Youth Committee oversees issues pertaining to Pennsylvania’s children. The committee plays a key role in shaping legislation related to maternal health, day care facilities, child pornography, juvenile justice and working to prevent harm and abuse. The committee will hold hearings on issues like these across the Commonwealth, addressing the challenges faced by children and families, as well as those in need of state services and support.
Representative Joe Hogan
142nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
RepHogan.com / Facebook.com/RepHogan/
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