Hogan Announces Grant for Neshaminy School District

October 22, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Joe Hogan (Bucks) announced today Neshaminy School District has received a grant from the Public School Facility Improvement Grant Program (PSFIG), which provides grants to public school districts and area career and technical schools for eligible facility improvement projects.

Neshaminy will receive $826,875 from this program for a roof replacement project at Neshaminy High School. This project will fix leaking issues that have been occurring at the high school for multiple years.
“I am so pleased to see Neshaminy receive this crucial grant funding,” said Hogan. “This will help make a major and necessary improvement to the high school facility and help continue to make sure our kids feel safe, secure and healthy in their schools.”

Representative Joe Hogan
142nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
RepHogan.com / Facebook.com/RepHogan/

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